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Project Gallery - Pupil's Wave

This project will develop into a wall relief. Planned to fit in with the proposed school refurbishment this artwork, on completion, is to be installed on the large stonewall facing the stairs which lead up to the P5-7 classrooms.

> View the work so far...
(slideshow opens in a pop-up window)

The Wave is to be created out of a 'sea' of price tags and luggage labels, which we are handing out (blank) to every child in the school. Children are invited to made their contribution to the Wave by drawing or writing on their tags and then giving them back to us. Once the 'Consequence' project is complete, we will assemble all the tags and attach them to a wave shaped trellis.

In order to protect the labels once 'Pupil's Wave' is installed, we envisage bolting a large piece of glass to the wall, protecting the wave from dust the effects of light. Once the refurbishment has taken place the lighting on this wall will be artificial.

The idea to create a 'Pupil's Wave' came from our first collaborative project, 'Wave', which was a studio installation we made (but never exhibited) in 2003. (For more information about 'Wave' - please see our main website).

We feel that the wave is a powerful metaphor for the cycle of life, energy and progress - and relates to Orkney's close connection with the sea. This artwork will also provide us with the opportunity to include every pupil in the school.

Many thanks to all the children who have contributed to this project so far - and thanks also to teachers and parents who have helped and encouraged children to complete their drawings and get them back to us. We have already received over 300 tags and labels back from children who have drawn and written on them.

Future Christil Trumpet workshops will be spent with children from other years in the school working on their tags and we also hope to have some helpers to tie them onto the wave in 2007!

> View the work so far...
(slideshow opens in a pop-up window)


Here is a copy of the letter, which was given to P6 and P3 pupils with their tags/labels.

Introductory letter given to each pupil at Papdale Primary School


Other Project Galleries:

> Consequence Project
The idea for the group of paintings, 'Consequence' came from playing the game of Consequences with our children. The appeal of this game is in its unpredictable outcome. More...

> Miscellaneous Projects
Section covering other projects taking place throughout the year - and miscellaneous photographs of the Residency. More...


Related pages:

> Latest news from the project

> Find out about the studio at Papdale

> About the artists in residence


pupil's wave

pupil's wave

pupil's wave


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Supported by Papdale Primary School, Orkney Islands Council & the Scottish Arts Council

Papdale Primary School, Kirkwall, Orkney Orkney Islands Council

partners: Scotland's Artist Residency Programme

partners: Scotland's Artist Residency Programme is supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council

© Christil Trumpet / Papdale Primary School
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